All of the Gbm Team have been inspired to get into some form of art or painting, and each one has been producing some of their own creations.
Everyone began using a Paint By Numbers system to get into the flow, so we are including here both paint by numbers paintings and those produced separately and created originally by each team member.
Nadine has been doing art for some years, but she set it aside in order to devote herself to the work of the ministry.
She only paints originals when she feels inspired by the Lord., but she has had fun joining the rest of the team for this new interest in the arts.
John has been drawing cartoons for some years, and been interested in art, but he has not tried painting until now. He also began like everyone with Paint by Numbers.
Then, starting out with acrylics, he decided to launch out and learn to do full oil painting. Here is some of his work as he has progressed in his learning
Daphne has not yet progressed beyond Paint By Numbers but she thoroughly enjoys doing these as well as painting on fabrics.
She also loves doing tapestries, and we have included pictures of some of her tapestries below
Anna-Lena has always enjoyed painting but has mainly done painting with watercolors in the past. Now she has added acrylic painting to the list.
She also enjoys Paint by Numbers, and sometimes sits together with Nadine as they do these together. Here are some samples of her painting